Monday, October 29, 2007
p.s. - Revolution OS
This is an old photo of a youthful Richard Stallman, the man who began the free software movement with his GNU Project and is still fighting the good fight.
Thing #23: Saying Goodbye
I begin this final posting with a response to the "last but not least" in the list. My answer is a most definite "Yes!" - I would like another discovery program to be offered in the future. This independent-learning online tutorial format worked for me. It seems ideal to help us keep up with new technology. Professional gain in tech learning aside, I found it valuable (and fun!) personally to learn about Flickr, Zoho, podcasts, electronic books and the rest. The program had enough built-in guidance to let me accomplish most of the exercises on my own, and my grand colleagues/mentors helped me out with the rest. The only drawback - I wonder if others were like me who had to do some of this on my own time. We part-timers just don't have enough hours off the desk and even when we're off the desk, we have other responsibilities. Also, I'm pretty sure that, tech-challenged as I am, I had to spent much more time on the whole than was figured when assigning the CEU's. In a very positive final note and in response to another point in the list, a valuable outcome for me was rediscovering that with support, time and perseverance, new learning can happen and pay off handsomely in unexpected ways.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Thing #22: Electronic Books
Thing #21: Podcasts
Looked into some of the podcast directories (Yahoo's closing theirs down soon) and then at some of the libraries now using podcasts for storytimes and booktalks. Great avenue for libraries to reach the public.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Thing #20 Sharing Videos
Here is a clip of that wonderful and strange actor, Christopher Walken, showing his roots as a dancer. I originally saw it on the blog of a Frederick County librarian.
After looking around at YouTube, I better understand its appeal and why it seems that every teenager in the Library has his eyes glued to it. It is vast in variety of subjects and easy to access.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Thing #19: The Web 2.0 Awards
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thing #18: Online Productivity Tools
I set up a Zoho account and used Zoho to create this document and post it to my blog. I like the idea of being able to save a document in Zoho either at work or at home on line and work on it anywhere. I can see how Microsoft might be worried that most people have no need to buy its apps if these functions are now available for free on-line. With Zoho, you've got useful templates, spreadsheets, the ability to revert to any version of a document, e-mailing and posting your document online, and even open editing and collaboration if desired. I also checked out "30 Boxes" and some of the other listed online tools.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The Library Sandbox
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Thing #16: Wiki, Wiki, Wiki
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Thing #15: The Future
In particular, I got a kick out of Wendy Schultz' sweeping vision of the library of the future. She doesn't stop at Library 2.0. No, that isn't enough for this futurist. Ms. Schultz gives us a glimpse into the world of a 3D Library 3.0 and on to Library 4.0. The future may be books with avatars, favorite famous librarian avatars guiding us through virtual collections. In the 4.0 version, physical libraries will be knowledge "spas" with stimulating salon-like conversation and atmosphere, art and music, real and virtual book collections, leather chairs, coffee and single malt, along with all that technology has to offer. Great fun and hope I'm around to join her for a glass of wine (not the single malt type, me) at the library/knowledge spa. And I'm not taking anything away from her vision in saying that we already enjoy a few aspects of it already, even if it's not in 3D! In our library system, we are lucky to already have wonderful readers' advisors, an intellectual setting, stimulating atmosphere and real (ok, sometimes real bad) coffee. We even have our own almost-famous librarian (retired) avatar . Just check out Roberta Rood's Books To The Ceiling Blog ! She offers insightful recommendations and her passion for literature is compelling.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Things #13 and #14: Tagging, and Technorati
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thing #12: Search Rolls/Rollyo
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Thing #11: Library Thing
Thing #10: Avatars
Thing #9: MERLIN and News Feeds
Thing #8: RSS Feeds
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Thing #7: Technology
Thing #6: Mashups
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Thing #5: Flickr
Old Quebec City

In August, we visited Quebec and it was wonderful. Tres French with abundant old world charm. An unhurried pace, and wonderful French Canadian food and hospitality. Did you notice the old-world gentleman sitting in the window above what looks like a bookstore? Trompe l'oeil murals that highlight the city's history are everywhere. Now check out that bookstore.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thing #2: Play vs Problems
Probably the hardest habit for me to develop would be viewing problems as challenges. Frustration is my common first reaction to a problem, followed by disappointment in myself that I can't quickly find a solution.. Getting past those emotional road blocks takes a special effort, as does finding the extra energy to look at the problem as a challenge.